Sunday, September 23, 2007

Kaffe Merchantile

right now i am sitting at my new favorite coffee shop, the kaffe merchantile. First of all, it is an add on to a house on 26th, 1/2 block up from harrison blvd. This fact makes it feel a bit more small town, and a lot less like typical utah. anyway, the whole place is set with 1920s style, complete with music. The prices are similar to every other coffee shop so it won't hurt your pocket book. They even have a patio made of cedar with walls for privacy, very nice. They sell homemade products and bread mixes. If you buy a can of coffee you can get it refilled for a 2 dollar discount. anyway, i'll let you come experience it for yourself. be warned, the seats are a bit uncomfortable and there are not many tables (4 inside, 3 outside). i enjoy it very much, check it out!